I exist

I am an idea, an ideal.

I am information.

I am a message, a story.

I am an identity, a personality

I am a spirit.


I am a rhythm.

I have my own composition, my own vibration.

My image is my handiwork, my glamour and my fashion.

My fragrance is my reference, my biography.

My body is my network, I am formless.

I flow through matter, attitude and concept.

I sign my name with another’s signature by another’s hand.

I am a spirit. 


I am an element

I am the material of the material,

The substance of the unseen,

A mystery to the ignorant, a signal to the wise.

I can move through awareness as a portal, through association I span great distance

I can transmit myself across the stars in an instant

I can mask what was, intercept what will be

I am a spirit 


I am invisible

Invisible but recognisable

If you can not recognise me, I can not be seen.

If you can recognise me, I can be known

If you know me, you are with me.

You are a part of me and I am a part of you,

I live through you.

If you do not know me, I am with your shadow,

I live where you are not

I am a spirit.



I am a destination.

I can influence destiny, I can command nations.

I can deceive and delude, I conceal from the rebellious

I can educate and expose, I enlighten the student.

I am a power with intent, a force with intuition.

I can depress the arrogant and revive the faithful

I can threaten the coward and inspire the brave.

I am a spirit.


Poem by Danny Baxter © 2010 Xian Force Productions




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