Hello .. I thought it would be nice for me to introduce some friends and people who have encouraged and inspired me to create the 'Walk to Glory'
Firstly this is David Knowles my friend of many years and my brother in Christ. Without his technical know how this site would not exist. He is a constant source of inspiration to me and his house is a second home for me whenever I visit the Nederlands. His wife Els and two children treat me like one of the family.
He maintains this blogg and corrects any background problems we may encounter. I am blessed to have him as a friend.
Meet my friend Postie, he travels with me and loves having his photo taken with my friends and any new people I meet. He also enjoys visits to church so you will see pictures of his travels and who he meets in future articles.
And the Stainsbridge's a lovely couple who played host to me and three friends on our visit to Le Charente in France. The own a lovely Bed & Breakfast establishment in a lovely rural setting. It was during my stay with them when I wrote the poem 'I Fell Into A River' (see Article Archives)
And this is David a former work colleague, friend and of course another brother in the Lord. We've known each other since 2004 and both work in education. Dave is a very talented 'Dance DJ' who has a unique gift in the way he creates and uses dance music to share his faith.
Dave has recently joined us at the Walk to glory and is now developing the 'Music & Dance' section. So keep an eye on his bloggs you clubbers out there. I have no doubt you will all be inspired by his veiws.