Tag Archives: Bible Verses

God never said it would be easy!

Many of us who have come to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour never truly considered the true cost of our relationship with Him.

“A somewhat profound statement I hear you utter, and guess what? I agree with you totally”  However the gospel, which changes literally millions of lives around the world daily, is in itself profound. For God said;

Luke 14:28-29 “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down and first count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it, lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin tomock him.” (NKJ)

How often we try to share our faith with others but let the circumstances or the fear of rejection hinder us? Christ has called us to be His witnesses, not only called us, but equipped us to do His will, His way, not through our own strength but through His Spirit and His Grace.

His commitment to us was unquestionable, His love undying and His limits unending.

Each day let us remind ourselves of this and with God’s help coupled with our daily submission, let us strive towards the mark.

Prayer is our direct link to God. So as we at the Walk to Glory pray that God uses us to bless and encourage you all. Please pray likewise that He will use you to bless and encourage others with His love and words.