My thoughts..!


Well, it seems to have been a while since I blogged about life so I thought I’d give you all the chance to hear something of what I’ve been up to.  Besides, it’s nice to be able to write down some thoughts for myself.

An Affirmation

Last week I received this email:


do you think you could give a testimony at this service?


Initially I was unsure what to talk about.  For those of you who don’t know me, there was no blinding flash of light, no Damascus Road style conversion – I just kind of fell into being a Christian.  I’ve always been to church, pretty much since being born (the first week in fact), and I’ve always known that there was a God and that He loved me.  It wasn’t really until I was 13 that I made a conscious decision to follow Jesus for the rest of my life, and there are still times now when I have to remind myself of this.

So anyway, I said all this and then explained some of things I do for God now: namely Cell Group and wbw.  When I’d resumed my seat John went on to ask for people to consider who’d replace me when I leave and then went on to affirm all the work that I’ve been doing for church and other things.

To be honest, I was really taken aback, normally I’m quite happy to be the unseen helper and I know that anything I do is absolutely nothing compared to what God’s done and is doing for me.  Still, it’s nice to be affirmed.

Why I told you all of that…

I told you all of that because I feel that for some time now God has been calling me to give up my ideas of a comfortable life relying upon myself and to trust in Him entirely.

When Jesus called His disciples He simply said “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” and we’re told that Andrew and Simon immediately left their nets and followed him. [Mark 1:17-18].  They didn’t stop to pull out the fish, to gather their belongings, to talk to their friends.  They dropped everything and followed Him.  To what extent would I do this?

Would I give up my chance of a pension, of being sure where food would come from, of a nice house in a nice town with a nice job, of going to university of even living to a ripe old age?  This I know, many of the early disciples died young, at the hands of those they were trying to convert.  I know the way the road leads – but can I say no to my Saviour and Lord?

I stumble and fall, quite a lot, but when I was younger someone prophesied over me, and I feel called to live that out now.  I once prayed that I would give God everything I had.  Now I feel called to do just that.  The question is how much do I trust Him?

I recently re-read the story of Jackie Pullinger, a missionary called to the Walled City in Hong Kong, and was inspired.  Likewise, when I read “Run Baby Run” I know where I want to be in the Body of Christ.

This morning, John (another one) preached on tithing, of giving 10% of what we have to God, once again I felt challenged.   My tithing of money is appalling, I forget quite regularly and I’m rarely cheerful when giving but I was reminded of another verse in the bible which says that whatever we give up in this life for God he refund ten times over, not when we die, but here and in this world.   If we give up everything then God will provide for us.

Rachael recently wrote a song for band entitled “God is my all”.   I wonder to what extent that is true for each of us, to what extent are we prepared to give things up for Him.  If God is our all then everything else is worthless, but for His grace and mercies.

I’m going to stop now, but I leave you this challenge: if God called you today, if Jesus held out His hand for you to follow – could you?  Could you honestly give up all you have and follow the maker of all?  Could you renounce yourself and follow the path He has given you?  If you don’t think that you could then you have some praying to do – for we’re called to be ready for God.  Don’t worry, you won’t be alone in praying, we’re all in this walk together


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