My favourite quote!


Robert Lewis Stevenson once said; 

"To talk is our chief business in this life,

It founds and fosters friendships,

It can be enjoyed in any state of health,

It cost nothing and is all profit."



So let's communicate more and profit!

I can never understand why we as a people tend to look at each other and make, what can be interpereted as, brash judgements about one another, when we can just speak to each other freely and acquire a greater and more honest understanding of each other. It could stop wars, predudices, and divisions.

Language is a great gift and coupled with cooperation …good communication can achieve great things.

But what do I know?…I am only the servant and try my best to learn from the master Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

God Bless you all.

One thought on “My favourite quote!”

  1. Yeah !and instead of looking at others, it would be much better if people looked at themselfs and embrace their own gifts and talents,so that they then can & will be used to the full! Thanks Ian for sharing your thoughts!

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