Communication Helps Us All


When God created us, he expected us to co-operate together in order for us to make the world a more complete and happy place to live.  He never expected ignorant and selfish people to ruin the glories he made.
Although, not only the people were the destructor's alone. Poverty stricken countries are constantly faced with natural disasters that destroy their homes and leave thousands of innocent victims injured and in more serious cases, dead.
However, when we are faced with difficult situations, like natural disasters and epidemics of infections and diseases, we are often forced to get along, and even the ignorant and selfish co-operate together to ease the dilemma.

Earlier this year on the 12th of May, over 69 thousand people were stated dead when the Sichuan earthquake had struck China, covering a total of 1,056 miles across the country. 374,176 were badly injured and over 18,000 people are still to this day listed as missing. Parents of children who attended eight schools in the particular area of China were devastated to find that from just one of those schools, 2323 children died in the earthquake. Members of the community joined together to ease the pain of the loss of their loved ones, even those who weren't so fond of each other.

A few weeks back, I was on a plane on my way to yet another of the Lords glories, and came across some of the most interesting of characters. All of which were different shapes and sizes; tall and short; fat and thin. There were young couples, older couples, lonely business men and families with creaming children. There was one particular lady with a child who was walking along the plane. She was fairly average in size with short blonde hair bounding below her ears. Back at home, she may have been the most selfish, ignorant and cruellest woman to have lived, but as we were both in a situation neither of us were fond of, she made the effort to stop and talk,
Whether it was the turbulence, last nights football results or even where she was planning to eat when we landed in Palma, she still made the effort to talk to a fellow passenger. I gazed out of the window which was frosted with pretty glistening frost and realised how terrific the world really is… No matter how bad the situation – man made or natural, God created us to overcome these obstacles to make us better people.
Next time you go out, whether you're strolling in the park, or on you're way to begin a hard, stressful day at work, give a smile to just anyone and you will find it will have made their day!

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