Monkey Love

From a beautiful seed inside did grow,
A beautiful boy I’m getting to know.
This little boy I’m learning about,
Has taught me a lot about fear and doubt.
It’s futile to fight what I feel so deep.
The pain of the past is not there to keep.
It hinders my growth as a loving being,
And it’s not what my child who I love should be seeing.
This little boy with his rich chocolate eyes,
Whose tears are mine when he hurts and he cries.
For most of the day he’s happy to play,
With his friends and his trucks in his own gentle way.
Then he’ll come in the kitchen when I’m cooking his meal,
And throw up his arms for some love that is real.
I’ll hold him so tight and get all in a muddle,
with the pots and the pans and the plates and the dishes,
But I’ll never say no to my little boys wishes.
For cuddles and kisses are the warmest of ways
To show him my love on the darkest of days.
I’m proud of my son in a way like no other,
For he is my son and I am his mother.
He’s gentle and kind and thinks of others,
A precious gift amongst playground brothers.
He’s a beautiful boy, a gift from God, given to me at a difficult time.
My son he is strong and he’s doing just fine.
Sometimes I watch him when he’s fast asleep.
The strength of my love for him makes me weep.
There’s been tears of pain from a difficult start,
But God has stayed with me and held onto my heart.
So when I watch this boy in his slumber,
Through tears of joy I no longer wonder.
Why I was blessed with a beautiful son,
For God chose me to be his beautiful mum.
It’s a funny old thing this Monkey Love.
It clings to you in a way like no other,
This tight, tight love, Gods plentiful ‘sugar’
This Monkey love from a son to his mother.
It’s simple you see, that we love each other,
For he is my son and I am his mother.

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