Surrender & Obedience

Please feel free to send in prayer request, encouraging thoughts or quotes as we will publish them to uplift others.

These are a few of my favourites just to get this section started, hopefully all others will come from you the readers.

"If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"

"Christ was one child who definately knew more than his parents and yet He obeyed them!"

"It's much wiser to choose what you say than say what you choose"

If you truly wish to defend your faith, then the best way is to practice it!

It a shame people always want to be counted in, but not counted on!

"If your faith does not work here, then it  won't work anywhere!"

Choice not chance determines destiny.

A Christian must first learn to get on their knees before they can get on their feet.

No one becomes a Christian on their own terms!

No Christian is strong enough to carry a cross and prejudice at the same time!

One thought on “Surrender & Obedience”

  1. This jokes are funny! I understand them (and i’m 13!)yet I know loads of my friends who wouldn’t have a clue of what i was talking about! Maybe it’s because i’m a Christian and these are Christian related jokes!

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